A consumer electronics distributor for major cities of India with a geometric growth rate year on year. Currently handling distributorship / dealership for almost all the leading electronics and consumer durable brands in India.
Key Features
- Web Design, Hosting, Development
- SEO, SSL, SMO, Live Chat Software
ASP.net, JQUERY, AJAX, Javascript, Ms SQL Server, PHP, Integration with following: SMS & Payment Gateway, ERP
The Business Problem
Increased costs of Warehousing, Increased Real Estate costs, Higher Operational costs coupled with reduced margins. Reduced sales through conventional methods. Growing threats from online selling portals.
Solution Implemented
A multiple seller + muliple buyer online ecommerce + auction platform with the best of the breed features inspired from Ebay.in, Flipkart.com, Jabong.com etc presented with: Intuitive GUI styling inspired by Amazon.com. Artificial Intelligence module to track user behaviour and derived intelligent and effective information to add up more and more sales.