Creative Recruitment App

Find Your Perfect Match: Streamlined Hiring & a Great Candidate Experience

Revolutionize Your Recruitment with Creative online applicant tracking app

For Employers

  • Effortless Job Posting: Quickly create compelling job descriptions and post them with a few clicks.
  • Powerful Applicant Tracking: Organize and manage candidate applications efficiently.
  • Smart Filtering & Search: Find the best candidates based on skills, experience, and keywords
  • Streamlined Communication: Easily communicate with applicants directly through the platform.

For Candidates

  • Simple Application Process: Apply for jobs quickly and easily with our user-friendly interface.
  • Track Your Applications: Stay updated on the status of your applications in one place.
  • Discover New Opportunities: Browse a wide range of job postings across various industries.
  • Showcase Your Skills: Highlight your experience and qualifications through a clear and professional profile.

Tired of shifting through endless resumes?

Creative Recruitment is the all-in-one solution for businesses to find the perfect fit and for candidates to showcase their skills.

Additional Features

Attract Top Talent & Streamline Hiring with Our Powerful Applicant Tracking System



Resume screening tools

Identify top candidates with AI-powered screening.

Online Assessment

Integrate with Creative assessment software.

Team collaboration features

Work together as a team to evaluate applicants.


Enable candidates to download Creative Recruitment app from playstore and get real time job notifications.

Creative Recruitment App Solutions


Deploy Creative recruitment app on client server with license

On- Cloud

Low cost Creative recruitment app on Creative fast and secured, data protected cloud

Frequently Asked Questions

Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting qualified candidates to fill open positions within a company.

Here are the steps of the recruiting process in short:

  • Identify the Need: Define the open position and its requirements.
  • Craft the Description: Write a compelling job description that attracts qualified candidates.
  • Source Talent: Advertise the opening and search for potential candidates.
  • Screen Applicants: Review resumes and applications to shortlist qualified candidates.
  • Conduct Interviews: Evaluate candidates through interviews and assessments.
  • Make an Offer: Select the top candidate and extend a job offer.
  • Onboard the New Hire: Welcome and integrate the new employee into the team.

Here are the benefits of an effective and comprehensive recruiting process in short:

  • Hire Top Talent: Attract and select the best candidates for the job.
  • Save Time & Money: Reduce time spent filling roles and avoid costly bad hires.
  • Improve Employee Satisfaction: Hire compatible employees who thrive within the company.
  • Boost Productivity & Performance: Build a strong team that drives results.
  • Reduce Legal Risk: Ensure compliance with hiring regulations.

Companies need recruitment apps to hire faster, attract talent, and make smarter choices.

Creative Recruitment App is designed to cater to a wide range of users and organization types:


  • Recruiters & Hiring Managers: Streamline their workflow by posting jobs, screening applicants, and managing communication.
  • Candidates & Job Seekers: Easily apply for jobs, track application status, and discover new opportunities.

Organization Types:

  • Small & Medium Businesses (SMBs): Cost-effective solution for attracting qualified candidates without a dedicated HR team.
  • Large Enterprises: Manage a high volume of applications efficiently with advanced features and integrations.
  • Startups & Growing Companies: Find the perfect talent to support their rapid growth and scale their recruitment process.
  • Staffing Agencies: Efficiently match candidates with job opportunities and manage their recruiting efforts.

Creative offers support via email, phone support and online chat.