Moms and Social Media

Moms and Social Media

Date: 29-Jun-2010

There was a actually interesting study last year. The study called “21st Century Mom” found that new mothers gravitate to social media sites after having a child.  How moms are using the Internet and social media nowadays:

  • Social Mom: Social Media is Mass Media for Moms. The number of moms who use social media frequently has considerably increased from 11% to 63% since 2006. Forty-four percent use social media for word-of-mouth recommendations on brands and products and 73% feel they discover reliable information about products and services through online communities focused on their particular interests such as parenting.
  • Gadget Mom: The 21st Century Mom is not scared by technology. Moms are using PDA technology to manage the hectic family schedule, digital cameras to share family life and gaming consoles to unite with their children. The huge majority of moms (91%) never leave the house without their cell phones and compared to only three years ago, are 348% more likely to use her cell phone to go online. They are considered the Chief Memory Officer in the family and over half (55%) have replaced the traditional family photo album with an online version.
  • Mealtime Mom: Family dinner time is a main concern for today’s moms. Ninety percent of moms say they eat dinner as a family a number of times a week. The Internet has become moms #1 source (77%) for recipes, superior even than cookbooks (36%).
  • Dr. Mom: The 21st Century Mom is AAD (Almost a Doctor). Today’s mom has become the important decision maker in the health and welfare of her family. She comes to appointments armed with information and vigorously seeks second opinions online. She constantly taps into both expert and mom-to-mom wisdom using the Internet and social media. In online communities, children’s health issues are the leading topic of interest in online communities (91%) followed by childhood development tips (79%) and product reviews (72%).
Social media networking and optimization

Social media networking and optimization

A couple of the stats jumped out at me. I am astonished that 55% of mom’s surveyed have replaced the traditional family photo album with an online version. I am not too astonished that more than two times as many mom’s use the Internet to search for recipes instead if using cookbooks. That mom’s use online communities for information on their children’s health is not a surprise. That 91% of them use them, is a much higher percentage than I projected Read more about Social Media Optimization



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