
Dec 21
Going above ad beyond the mundane

Going above ad beyond the mundane

A milkman should should be able to deliver milk. A watchman should be able to watch. A developer should be able to develop. These ideas no longer apply for people that hope to be able to do a lot more. These days it is extremely important that a developer be able to understand the different Going above ad beyond the mundane

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Information overload

Information overload

People like the idea of being informed. But the idea of information delivery without noise seems to be one that cannot be realized easily or cheaply. That is the impression one gets when one looks at online news delivery plarforms. The news more often than not threatens to become redundant as soon as the webpage Information overload

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Dec 20
HTML address tag

HTML address tag

HTML address tags are primarily used in HTML 4.01 to allow addresses to be distinguished. W3C clearly states that the tag should not be used to simply display the postal address. Anchor tags can be placed within the address tag. The address tag can be used along with standard HTML 4.01 attributes and events. Address HTML address tag

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Dec 19
Blast from the past: URL

Blast from the past: URL

A URL or Uniform Resource Locators is an addresses the computer uses to get to the material or the content demanded by the client. The client ofcourse is the browser on the user computer. This user computer has an internet connection used to go online. NAT systems usually sit in the middle and are used Blast from the past: URL

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Dec 18
Efficiently using a web browser

Efficiently using a web browser

Many people use the internet all over the world. They make use of The Internet to take care of their shopping, studying, communication, socializing, news, general entertainment, and even in some cases doing work. Sizing so many things up is a lot of work. But people like the idea that they own machines that can Efficiently using a web browser

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Dec 13
The PoCoCo SiDe Principle

The PoCoCo SiDe Principle

People in life more often than not take snap decisions about what is worth focusing on and what is not. The whole idea of attracting attention depends on some understanding of pyschology. People who like the webpag on first glance are more likely to stay on course and read further A web page should not The PoCoCo SiDe Principle

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