Social Intranet

Sep 11
How to easily enhance effective team communication

How to easily enhance effective team communication

Nurturing Employee team spirit Communication is a necessary strategy to form business flight and thereby, associate degree integral facet of associate degree organisation. It helps to initiate transparency, promotes sympathy, boosts trust and motivation and builds relationships. this offers rise to associate degree sceptred force that’s happier and a lot of committed to the organisation, How to easily enhance effective team communication

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Sep 8
Creative Social Intranet address 3 major issues organization faces with remote employees.

Creative Social Intranet address 3 major issues organization faces with remote employees.

  The number of remote employees are increasing in organizations. And with the increase in the remote work force a different set of issues have come up for the organizations. Now managers are finding it difficult to manage their remote employees. Social Intranet can help you address 3 Major issues you face with the remote Creative Social Intranet address 3 major issues organization faces with remote employees.

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Sep 4
Brands like Jabong are introducing Social intranet for their employees

Brands like Jabong are introducing Social intranet for their employees

Online fashion giant Jabong started a fresh buzz among its employees with ‘Destination f’. ‘Destination f’ is the name of its new mobile social intranet. As the name suggested this social intranet empowers employees to access companies policy, participate in active inside polls, update projects , initiate official chat with their colleagues and more with Brands like Jabong are introducing Social intranet for their employees

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Sep 1
10 Ways a Social Intranet Can Help You Cut Down on Email

10 Ways a Social Intranet Can Help You Cut Down on Email

How Social Intranet Portal Cuts Down on Email Social intranets benefit the enterprise by facilitating correspondence. The capacity to associate with others through the intranet reduces our dependence on email which has a tendency to be slower and less viable than tools like texting and micro-blogs. Besides, we lose a lot of important time and 10 Ways a Social Intranet Can Help You Cut Down on Email

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Aug 21
11 ways to keep your employees engaged in Social Intranet

11 ways to keep your employees engaged in Social Intranet

Organizations are changing its culture From “For whom do you work” to “With whom you work”. Companies are now putting efforts to give workforce an environment that make them feel more associated with the organization. One of the effective measure is to impart Modern Social Intranet. Digital Workplace or Modern Intranet has completely changed the 11 ways to keep your employees engaged in Social Intranet

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