Creative Intranet A Better Solution For Enterprise Than Facebook Workplace – HOW?
Creative Intranet A Better Solution For Enterprise Than Facebook Workplace. How?
Facebook, undoubtedly, is a fantastic medium on the Internet to connect to friends sitting in distant worldwide regions. But when it’s about using the social network to manage communication and information sharing within a company, there’re lots of issues with Facebook. Instead of the social networking website, a company should install Creative Intranet, which not just connect employees in a secure manner but also provide them a private network where they can share crucial company information without any fear.
Here’s more on why Creative Intranet, instead of Facebook for a workplace:
Creative Intranet
It’s a private network of an organization where only company employees are present to communication and share information.
Facebook is an open network where people from all across the globe are present. They can access some amount of information of any user over the network.
A huge amount of data can be shared or transferred over the network without the fear of getting lost. Permissions can be given over the social intranet, which means only authorized people can access the document.
It offers a limited amount of data sharing. In addition, documents cannot be edited here.
Documents can be managed as per the need. For example, if top management wants only a few people to access a file, only the authorized people will get it.
When a file or document is shared in Facebook group, it shows up in activity stream, like public profile.
Employees can manage the documents sent over the network.
Groups feature of Facebook doesn’t come up with any kind of document management facility.
Advanced technologies, like ASP.net, can be used to develop the intranet according to the company requirement.
Only the facilities given by the social media websites can be availed by users.