Creative Theme Based Website Design

Creative Theme Based Website Design

Date: 17-Mar-2012

Creative website design is a very broad term applicable to entire website designs and the various web pages design in them. Designing of website doesn’t anymore merely end with fine tuning of the visual aspects today. The colour mix and photos included inside the web pages of a website are important. But, there many more important aspects other than these superficial elements of websites that need due attention from both designers and client. Both the designer and clients today have a wide choice from selecting not only the color mix or the photographs, but a wide array of web technologies that could help to choose the appropriate technology and that can leave a better functional website. These technologies can enhance the performance of websites, draw more web traffic, help in conversions to sale, and engage the visitors continuously with the business. There is no doubt that a design of a website includes visual aspects but it incorporates a lot more.

When we discuss about website design today of a website or a webpage, it includes a lot more than just the visual design or the colour mix a client or a designer wishes to use in web pages. It involves the linking of inner pages suitably, enabling with an appropriate content management system to feed enriching information, providing a information architecture in the display of web titles to user accessibility of information, enable ease of navigability along the various pages of the website, speed of loading on a click from the visitor, convenience of the site to search for information. There are unending aspects that need to be attended with a lot of attention like, client business size, technology preferences both of the client and the designers, appropriate choice of technology, targeted viewers, and getting noted and cached in search engine searches while designing website and web pages. So, how do we differentiate between a creative theme website and a website design that is not based on a creative theme?

The process of web designing cannot be anything else other than a creative process. How clients and designers approach the different stages of design brings the best website design in the end. But that is the beginning of website design performance. That is where the focus shifts from those who have controlled the design process website to the user, the targeted customer. How frequently they visit, how long does visitors stay, how they get involved in client’s products and services, and how well they are able to use the website information speaks through the analytics.

Therefore, creative theme based design is bridging the gap of technological expertise of the designer and perceived ease of use of the website.





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