Creative Wishes Happy Raksha Bandhan
The pure bond of love between a brother and a sister is one of the deepest and noblest of human emotions. ‘Raksha Bandhan’ or ‘Rakhi’ is a special occasion to have fun this emotional bonding by tying a holy thread around the wrist. This thread, which pulsates with sisterly love and sublime sentiments, is rightly called the ‘Rakhi’. It means ‘a bond of protection’, and Raksha Bandhan signifies that the strong must guard the weak from all that’s evil.
Raksha Bandhan is a festival of Hindu, which celebrates the relationship between brothers and sisters. It is celebrated on the full moon of the month of Shraavana.
The Shravana or the monsoon month carries all hues and shades of nature and emotions. Religiously speaking Shravan is a religious month and full moon of this all-important month is measured to be a very holy day. It is celebrated in different ways for different reasons almost throughout the country.
For the siblings it is the eternal tie of love, for Brahmins the day to take the pledge of Brahmanik rites and for those who depend sea and monsoon, it is the beginning of the new season.
Indian festivals are based on the weather changes and their importance in the lives of people but they do have a story to support the celebrations. The rich Indian Mythology gives a religious reason to celebrate the day in an exact way. Several epics are related to the day and the beginning of Raksha Bandhan. The festival finds a mention in most of the epics and its origin can be traced back to the mythological Pouranik times.
Why Rakhi?
Rituals like Rakhi, there is no doubt, help ease out a variety of community strains, induce fellow-feeling, open up channels of expression, and provide us an opportunity to rework on our role as human beings and, most significantly, bring joy in our ordinary lives.
“May all be happy
May all be free from ills
May all behold only the good
May none be in distress.”
This has always been the idea of an ideal Hindu society.
Though now it is well thought-out as a brother and sister festival, it was not always so. There have been examples in history where in rakhi has just been a raksha or protection. It could also be tied by wife, a daughter or mother. The Rishis tied rakhi to the people who came seeking their blessings. The sages tied the sacred thread to themselves to safe guard them from the evil. It is by all means the ‘Papa Todak, Punya Pradayak Parva’ or the day that bestows boons and ends all sins as it is mentioned in the scriptures.
The Friendly Knot
It won’t be wrong to say the fashionable friendship band in trend today is an extension of the Rakhi custom. When a girl feels a friend of the opposite sex has developed a kind of love too strong for her to respond, she sends the guy a Rakhi and turns the relationship into a sisterly one. This is one way of saying, “let’s just be friends”, without hurting the other person’s soft feelings for her.
Creative is working on this day.