Employee Engagement Rage

Employee Engagement Rage 2019

Date: 19-Jan-2019

Communication, Connection, Collaboration, automation in HR work-flows, and sophisticated onboarding have made such a difference in 2018. But what’s coming next?

Virtual Reality

The use of virtual reality by the employees in their workplace is still not very common. It can become a common term in the future. VR can become a cost-cutting method in training sections like customer management, in use of machinery and other activities. It can train people in a fast and better way.

It can also provide a better method to the younger workforce and can come out as a good understanding method of training than webinars in teaching site courses. It is a best and powerful way by which your employees will surely get motivated and engaged.

Natural Language Processing

An HR can become successful when he listens to his employees as much as possible. But it is not possible for him to listen to all employees directly or through a phone. This barrier is overcome by Creative by using their Social Intranet product. In their communication feature, they provide all employees with a feedback form, conduct polls, and surveys to provide their views in the company and get motivated.

By this, employees can read and understand the information and can comment on them. If there are many employees from areas where language is a barrier to understand, then the NLP tool can help you overcome the language barrier.


Third important service provided by Creative Social Intranet to the to employees is gamification. Companies use the policy of giving points or gifts to customers making a purchase of their products and thereby increases sales.

Similarly, employees are also given points and rewards for their achievements, good work done and many other things done by them in the company. For example, keeping a tidy desk, regular engaging in social events, car-sharing, following the company values, charity work and mentoring programme for new employees, completing tasks before time, team management.

It can be done by making it a game in which achievements and rewards result in points. Good work is recorded automatically using classification software and these points are shared publicly in the company through an intranet.

This encourages the employee to do better and increase his point level in the co by doing a good job. This can lead to customer satisfaction, provide on-time deliveries to customers and thus increase the volume of sales. But it should not be the only way to get your work done.

Predictive Analytics

The data we have is very much useful in taking decisions and understanding past activities. But it should help us to predict our future needs. This feature helps us in employee engagement by predicting the causes of employee stress or dissatisfaction and by solving it. This will help you to save your business a great deal.


This is one of the important aspects of the business. The company should be updated with all new technologies or systems launched to train their employees and thereby increase the outcome. Online learning is available in all fields. So the company should provide this facility to their employees for their personal development. Otherwise, their employees may remain backward.

Businesses who provide training on many fields to their employees can only become successful in today’s trend of 2019.

Health And Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing of the employee have become one of the main issues to be given attention in companies. One can improve this condition by encouraging their employees or staff to talk to their peer group about their feelings and workload. They should be provided with wellness facilities like fresh air environment to work, fresh juices and mineral water at their workplace in regular intervals which will help them give their best.


Many companies spend a lot of money on developing their brand by way of brand values, the promise of brand quality etc. This is done in order to help employees present their company properly and regularly in front of people whenever they come in contact with them.
A business which invests in an internal communication system and makes the brand known to all employees will surely watch rise in the performance of the employees and increase in business.

2019 is fast approaching and you must make sure that your business can combine some of these methods into its operation. Improve your employee engagement and company productivity today with Creative Social Intranet.



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