First 3D web game

First 3D web game

Date: 13-Dec-2013

A new 3D game mant to be consumed on a web browser is being developed for a possible May 2014 launch. The game is expectd to work without problems on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Apple Safari support cannot be confirmed at the moment. The game was first developed in c++. It was then, using the javascript derivative ASM.js, javascript compiler Emscripten, and a web port ofthe Unreal Engine 3 brought to the web.

Many are of the opinion that the internet cannot support heavy server side gaming. The game does request the right to download data though. The game is hardly ready yet but still looks impressive given that it runs on data centers and can support multiplayer web sessions. It is believed to be an easy to play game requiring few instructions.

Microsoft, Google, and Apple are unlikely to encourage further deelopment of the project as a whole as it will hurt their own revenue streams. They will hesitate and defer adoption of any technology that will adversley affect their native revenue streams and threaten to make them obsolete.





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