Happy Dussehra from Creative Family
Dussehra is a very famous Hindu festival, which marks the overcome of Ravana by Lord Rama. Dussehra also represents the triumph of warrior Goddess Durga over the buffalo demon, Mahishasura.
The festival of Dussehra is an important celebration in many parts of the country. It is celebrated with great fanfare in most parts of North India, Mysore and in the form of Durga Puja in West Bengal.
Importance of Dussehra:
All that is good in mankind is intense in the deeds of the god-king Ram, the ruler of Ayodhya. Lord Rama, the moral man with his moral way of life is the reasons for celebrating India’s famous festival of Dussehra and Diwali. Diwali comes exactly 20 days after Dussehra on Amavas (new moon), during fortnight of kartik, some time in October or November.
On the day of Dussehra, Ram, killed the great devil Ravan, who had abducted Ram’s wife Sita to his kingdom of Lanka. Ram, along with his brother Lakshman and dedicated follower Hanuman, and an army of monkeys fought a great battle to free his lovely wife Sita. The war against Ravan lasted for ten days. Sita had been returned to her husband Ram and they now create their way to Ayodhya in triumph and glory. Thus, it is on the Diwali day that Lord Ram, the personification of Lord Vishnu in the Treta Yug, returned to his capital Ayodhya after the exile of fourteen years.
Therefore, to commemorate the return of Ram, Sita and Lakshman to Ayodhya, people have fun Diwali with the bursting of crackers and by lighting up their houses with earthen diyas. This grand style of celebration has continued, year after year. To this day, the whole of Ramayana is enacted in dramas staged in huge pandals and maidans, in cities, towns and villages, on the occasion of Dussehra and Diwali.
Worship of the Goddess is the oldest tradition, telling the female deity’s superiority over the male Gods who are unable to tear down the demon.
The worship of Durga Mata has also social implications. As Goddess of war, she is a particularly favorite of the Kshatriyas, the warrior caste, once constituting the ruling leaders and aristocracy.
Dussehra is regarded one of the most significant and important Hindu festivals, celebrated across the nation with much dedication and cheerfulness. The festival marks the victory of Lord Ram over demon king Ravana, which means the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. Beautifully decorated tableaux and processions depicting a variety of episodes from Ram’s life are taken out on the streets. The tenth day or the Vijayadasami is measured to a very significant day. Effigies of Ravana, his brother Kumbhkarna and son Meghnad are burnt in open spaces. Actors dressed as Ram, his wife Sita and brother Lakshman arrive and shoot arrows of fire at these effigies, which are swollen with firecrackers. As a part of the celebration Ram Lila (drama depicting the episodes from the lives of Ram, Sita and Lakshman) are dramatic in unlike regions of the country. It is famous in different manner across the country. Besides Bengal and Central India, Dussehra Parva is celebrated in other Indian states with equal zeal and enthusiasm though with regional differences.