How a professional website should look like.

How a professional website should look like.

Date: 17-Dec-2016


How to Make Your Website Look Professional

If you don’t want to end up being misunderstood as an amateur, having a professional websiteis the first requisite. Before your prospective client knows you, your name or anything about you, it’s the face of your website he or she comes in contact with. It doesn’t take more than a split second for them to decide whether they want to continue reading or simply close the window. Whether you think of web design and development to be more of technology or art, but it isn’t less than rocket science for someone who is aesthetically deprived.
If you are a professional web designer already, you might not be reading this, but if there are aspects you want to improve on, here are a few points that can take your web designing skill to the next level of expertise, of course, if well implemented and not just read and forgot. So here we go:

#1 Using the whitespace
Whitespace may not really be white though, but it’s the unused space between the margins, in the background and between the lines and images on a web page. It’s an element that can create or hamper the aesthetic richness of a web design.

#2 Typography

Keeping the objective of your website, domain and niche of your business in mind, the font style, size and colour can be chosen, although it is not mandatory to use constant typography throughout the web content, uniformity adds class, while variation inserts charm. Take your call.

#3 Images
The quality and size of images make a huge impact on the aesthetic range of a website. Always use unique, high resolution and large images on your web pages and blog posts.

#4 Easy navigation
The look alone doesn’t complete the web design, easy navigation makes a website user friendly and more accessible. get a site map made first and choose practical and easy navigation style.

#5 No clutter design
Always choose a design that makes your web pages look neat and well organized. Messy and cluttered web designs with pop ups, banners, too many ads and buttons are the ingredients to increase your bounce rate, which is the last thing you want for your website.





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