How Do I Talk to my Executives and Customers about Social Media?
How Do I Talk to my Executives and Customers about Social Media?
Firstly explain your Executives / Colleagues / Customers, What exactly Social Media Marketing is?
What is Social Media?
Simply put social media presents an extraordinary opportunity for you to find, engage and convert prospects to customers using the internet. The internet got its start as a more or less traditional ‘broadcast’ medium where a website, like radio, TV and other advertising channels, sent its message in only one direction. Social media, enabled by the breakthroughs in what are known as Web 2.0 technology, allows web users to talk back; to voice their opinions; to participate in the conversation. It’s not the play presented at your local theater; it’s the reception held afterward fore cast, crew and audience members.
Why is it important?
Because it allows you to more easily engage the people who are in a position to either buy or recommend what you have to sell and it allows this engagement to take place without the constraints of time, language or location. In a pre-internet world we called this word-of-mouth marketing. In a web based world we call it viral marketing and, where previously our influence was local or regional, now we have the opportunity and means to spread our message globally.
Secondly Start with Technographics,
Obtain the technographics of your market segment, using social media tools available on internet like Quantcast.com.
Ascertain if this is right for your company
It’s important to note that social media may NOT be the best for your market or company, if the in actives are a significant amount of your technographics, or you’re in a very conservative industry, you may be ready to deploy a listening program, but may not want to participate. I really believe that social media isn’t for every company, and you’ll have to do an internal reality check to see if this is the case for you.
Read more about Social Media Optimization from here…