Id ul Fitr (End of Ramazan)
Id-ul-Fitr means the ‘festival of breaking the fast’. The fast of Ramadan is broken with special prayers and festivities. ‘Fitr’ is come from the word ‘fatar’ meaning ‘breaking’. Another connotation suggests that it is come from fitrah or ‘alms’. Firm Sunni Muslims believe that fitr comes from fitrat meaning ‘nature’ and Id-ul-Fitr is the celebration of god’s nobility in giving nature to man. Celebrated on the first day of the new moon in Shawwal, it marks the end of Ramadan.
Its importance is purely holy. It is the day when the Muslims thank God for having given them the will, the strength and the survival to observe fast and obey his demand during the holy month of Ramadan.
This day, in Muslim world, brings delight and happiness. The rejoicing is not, however, at the departure of the month of Ramadan; it is the happiness which man feels after fruitfully completing a significant task.
In view of the great importance attached to this day of Eid, many civilizations consisting of prayers and worship of God on this day have been quoted from the Holy Prophet and his Ahl-al-Bait.
India celebrates it with open hearts. The most favorite places at this time are usually Jama Masjid, New Delhi. People can be marked in thousands in numbers, with all enthusiasm it needs to create this day.
On the day of Eid, Muslims meet early in the morning in outdoor locations or mosques to perform the Eid prayer. This consists of a lecture followed by a short congregational prayer.
After the Eid prayer, Muslims generally scatter to visit various family and friends, give gifts (especially to children), and create phone calls to distant relatives to give well-wishes for the holiday. These activities traditionally continue for three days. In most Muslim countries, the entire 3-day period is an official government/school holiday.
Just as, when a person goes to a college, or a university and at the completion of his route, he receives his award marking his success, we should understand that, the holy month of Ramadan is a spiritual university where we are being trained to get Taqwa i.e. piety. The day of Eid-ul-Fitr is when Allah (SWT) is presentation us for our achievements.