Idu’l Zuha/Bakrid (Feast of the Sacrifice)
Also Known As: Idul Adha
Celebrated On: The Tenth day of the month Dhul Hijja.
The Celebration:
Id-ul-Zuha or Bakrid is one of the most celebrated festivals among Muslims of India. The festival of give up, when the Muslims of all over India sacrifice ‘Bakra’ (goat), is experimental to honor the great sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim who was so dedicated, faithful and obedient to God’s will that he quickly agreed to sacrifice his only son Ismail at His behest. It is said that it was to test him that Allah asked him to sacrifice his son on the altar at the mount of Mina near Mecca. Ibrahim moved by his paternal feelings and yet resolute to follow Allah’s instructions blindfolded himself before sacrificing his son and only removed the blindfold after performing the act. When he opened his eyes, he found his son alive and smiling to his great joy.
On the altar, a slaughtered lamb could be seen instead. The festival is to celebrate the strong faith of those loyal to Islam. It coincides with the Haj pilgrimage in Mecca and people offer prayers in mosques. The sacrificial meat is distributed after the Eid prayers to the family and friends. Special delicacies and sweets are prepared on the occasion. The festival is observed on the tenth day of the month Idu’l Hijja, according to the Islamic calendar. According to the Quran text, the sacrifice of Abraham marked the end of the human sacrifices for the Semitic race and that surrendering one’s will and purpose completely and unconditionally is the only sacrifice that Allah requires.
On Bakrid, the Muslims go to the mosques in the morning to offer prayers to Allah, and then sacrifice the animal at home. Bakr means ‘sheep’, and on Bakrid, the wealthy sacrifice one animal per member of the family, and share out two-thirds of the meat among the poor. A full-grown camel, cow, goat or sheep, free from any disease, is sacrificed. Bakrid is also a day for feasting and visiting friends to say Id Mubarak.
This Muslim festival of sacrifice, Id-ul-Zuha (Arabic) or Bakrid in India is celebrated all over the country. On this day Muslims sacrifice a goat or Bakr (Urdu) to honor the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim, who willingly agreed to kill his son at the behest of God.
According to Islamic belief, to test Ibrahim’s faith, Allah commanded him to give up his son Ismail. He agreed to do it but found his paternal feelings hard to suppress. So he blind – folded himself before putting Ismail on the altar at the mount of Mina near Mecca. When he removed his dress after performing the act, he saw his son standing in front of him, alive. On the altar lay a slaughtered lamb. This festival coincides with the Haj pilgrimage in Mecca.
Prayers are offered in the mosques and the sacrificial meat is then distributed after the Id prayers. Special delicacies are prepared and served among family and friends on the occasion.
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