Is Keyword Density Perfect For SEO Even now?

Is Keyword Density Perfect For SEO Even now?

Date: 04-Jun-2011

Keyword Density and SEO
I don’t know about you guys, but whenever I hear the phrase “keyword density“, I think of old school SEO.  Many people are wondering if keyword density is perfect for seo even now, the answer is yes and no……
Don’t be scared when you hear someone talk about keyword density and SEO, it just means the number of targeted keywords you have compared to the total number of words in the content body of a particular page.
For example, let’s say my targeted keyword was “widgets” and I write a 100 word article about it.  If the word “widgets” appears in that article 3 times, then the keyword density would be 3% (3 divided by 100).  Easy right?
Does Keyword Density Matter Even now?
Greatly, because search engines like Google would factor in the keyword density of an article to decide which keywords would rank high in natural search.  Back then an optimal keyword density for Google would be between 3-4% and for Yahoo it would be somewhat higher (5-7%).
Before you go write a hundred articles at 3% keyword density to rank high in Google, here’s my advice……DON’T!
If you’re quite new to search engine optimization, it’s safe to say that some strategies will be less efficient after a while.  What worked 2 years ago will have little to no effect to your SEO strategy.
But………yes there’s a but……
Just because it’s not as efficient as before doesn’t mean that keywords aren’t valuable when blog writing.  I know…I know…
But if you’re a blogger like everyone else, I recommend you to do the following:
·    Add your keyword in your title tag, this puts a lot of weight and relevance to your targeted keywords.
·    Use your keyword or keyword phrase inside the first sentence of your content body.
·    Bolding, underlining, or italicizing your keyword once in your content will assist add more weight and relevance.
·    Add an anchor text with your keyword and point it back to either your homepage of post page.
·    Add keyword in header tag if you have one.
If you guys haven’t noticed it yet, I’ve applied all 5 techniques above to this blog for the keyword phrase “keyword density”.
What’s Your Take?
Do you apply keywords to your blog post?  What are your views about keyword density and it’s usefulness in SEO today?  Would love to hear your thoughts below!
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