Know-How Better Lighthouse Metrix Improves Your Website Google Page Speed Insights

Date: 14-Sep-2022

Two additional metrics have been added to Lighthouse.

The following are the new Lighthouse metrics:

#Time to First Byte (INP)

#Interaction to Next Paint (TTFB)

#Time To First Byte (TTFB)

The Time to First Byte (TTFB) statistic is used to determine how quickly a server replies to a resource request. Thus, the significance of this statistic is that it aids in the isolation of one element (server responsiveness), which might have a negative impact on all subsequent page loading metrics. Anyone looking to improve Core Web Vitals should have a look at TTFB for a quick victory. For the first time, Chrome will also collect and publish TTFB field data.

#Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

In contrast to First Input Delay, which only measures how long it takes for the page to respond to the first input by a site visitor, INP measures how long it takes to interact with the whole page. A user clicking the picture and then waiting for something to happen as the larger image downloads to the browser is an example of poor responsiveness. A nice example of responsiveness is when a user clicks the same picture twice, and the page reacts with a page-loading graphic indicating that the image request was received and is now loading.

The new Interaction to Next Paint (INP) measure is explained on Google’s Web. dev:

  • “INP is a statistic that attempts to reflect a website’s total interaction latency by choosing one of the single longest interactions that occur when a user views a page.”
  • INP is the interaction with the longest delay for pages with fewer than 50 interactions.
  • INP is often the 98th percentile of interaction latency for sites with a lot of interactions.”

#PageSpeed Insights Has A New Layout

The two new indicators may be viewed in the PageSpeed Insights tool right now.

However, because the field data is derived from genuine Chrome browser users who have opted in to enable the page speed data to be provided to Google to visit the site and have their data recorded, it may take some time for the field data to appear.

The main web vitals scores appear first in the list (on the desktop view).

The second row of metrics is then displayed by Lighthouse:

  • First Contentful Paint
  • INP
  • TTFB

#Chrome Lighthouse Extension

The Chrome Lighthouse addon is another method to see the stats.

To utilize it, go to any website and a square box at the upper right corner of the browser will become red or green based on whether or not the page passes the Core Web Vitals criteria.

The CVW and experimental metrics are displayed when you click on the box itself.

#Third-Party Tools Now Have New Metrics

The INP and TTFB measurements will be displayed in many page performance tools that use Lighthouse in their analyses.

#Updates to Page Speed Insights

The speed with which findings are shown has improved significantly, thanks to the concurrent loading of field and lab data. Another improvement is that before submitting data to Lighthouse for analysis, PageSpeed Insights will try to resolve HTTP redirection first. Previously, when doing the analysis, Lighthouse would manage the HTTP redirection.

In addition, there are two further changes:

“The Core Web Vitals (CWV) measurements (LCP, FID, CLS) are shown right beneath the CWV evaluation. We slimmed down the design by cutting down on verbosity and vertical area.”

#Data from Lighthouses is More Useful

The inclusion of these two indicators, TTFB and INP, dramatically improves the utility of any page speed tools that employ Lighthouse analysis. INP gives a larger picture of page performance than previously provided, while TTFB provides input on server-related issues that may be underlying poor speed performance elsewhere.



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