Mobile, social video and messaging apps: The big trends to inform your 2017 strategy
Marketing Strategy 2017: Top Global Trends to Watch Out
The last month of the year is there already and we are soon hitting the end of yet another massive year. With truckloads of breaking news, economic reforms and a lot more that wasn’t at all expected in this year, the end of the year also rings a bell for us to prepare well for a year that’s still ahead of us. Have you already chalked out the 2017 strategy for your business or the ideas and notions are still in the pipelines, facing some snarl-ups and blockage? Here are some global trends to watch out for and pick the cues for drafting and designing your business and marketing strategy for the coming year.
Mobile advertising
With more than 50% of online traffic coming from mobile devices, mobile advertising has become the backbone for your business promotion. A major chunk of your online marketing budget goes to mobile advertising and for all the good reasons. Mobile ads hold more potential than social and web ads; although we cannot at all ignore or overlook the massive potential other mediums hold.
Social networking
Not only is socially engaging on networking sites important for your business and its growth, social ads also play a vital role in business marketing. Both Google and Facebook have huge business plans to control and leverage ad revenues and targeted ads with the help of metrics.For all small, medium and large businesses, targeted ads can become the key source for business promotion as the social giants have great plans for the same.
Video marketing
There are many social networking sites that work solely on videos such as YouTube and Vimeo and there are Facebook and the likes that also have an option for recorded as well as live videos. Videos have a huge potential to take your business marketing to the higher level.
Messaging apps
Did you not take Whatsapp seriously even after Facebook acquired it in 2016? Its time you think about this messaging app more gravely along with several other popular messaging apps and put them to a better use for your business promotion.