On site search engine optimization

On site search engine optimization

Date: 06-Feb-2011

On-site or on-page optimization is the process of optimizing a web page with appropriate keywords so that the website shows up for a keyword search in the internet. Keywords are those used by a visitor to find the essential information in the web. Since words are the only way by which a visitor could get the necessary information from the web the short sentences or the core words used by the visitor or researcher is termed as a key phrase or a keyword. There are numerous tools that provide you with keywords in current use for a variety of niches. Optimize the web page with keywords of high recognition will bring in a huge number of visitors to your website.

Wordtracker.com is an outstanding example for a great keyword tool. Even though at the first glance on site optimization seems to be a simple task, it is much complex than you can imagine. Simply stuffing the web page with highly popular keywords will not create any outcome. There are numerous factors that must be taken into consideration while optimizing a web page for search engines. Some of them comprise keyword popularity, keyword competition, keyword density, KEI, keyword relevancy, etc.

It is sensible to learn about the various factors to be considered while optimizing a webpage for search engines. Keyword popularity as the name defines is the popularity of the keyword. Keyword competition is the number of websites competing for a specific keyword. Keyword density is the percentage of keywords used in a web page. KEI is the keyword effectiveness index that tells you the probability of your site showing up for searches. Keyword relevancy is determined with the other content of the website. Keyword stuffing relates to over usage of the keyword. All of the above factors have a great effect, when it comes to pricing of on site optimization.

It is always intelligent to leave the job to the experts to get preferred outcome. However, if you are convinced about the keyword usage in the web page, you can also do it yourself. Search engines are smart enough to discriminate the right use of keywords and a black hat SEO technique called keyword stuffing. Using black hat on page optimization techniques even accidentally will result in penalty or even banning of the website. This is why it is very much recommended that you take the services of SEO experts when it comes to on site optimization.




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