Online Marketing Plan
There is variety of ways to promote your website on the internet. In the past banner ads were popular but now they are just a waste of money as the trend on clicking them shifted but yet they charge you. Email campaigns are also a way for advertising but the spam laws these days are so broad that you can break them without even knowing. So the authentic ways of Internet marketing services are:
Internet Search Engine Placement:
Internet search engine optimization placement term may be new to many people. For some it may refer to buy link placement on different search engines while for others it may be search engine optimization of a site to get top ranking. In truth, search engine placement is a combination of both. Pay per click is an effective and popular way to attract direct traffic to your website. But if the visitor’s rate is not converting into sales, means that the people who visit your site are not showing interest in your site than you have to keep a close eye on your return on investment. SEO is a popular way of increasing a page rank in the natural listing of a search engine. It produces heavy traffic for free.
Email Newsletters:
It is the era of e-commerce and search engine marketing, thousands of people buy and sell over the internet each day. A lot of visitors leave their email address when they are interested in some product or service or even subscribe to get updates on new packages which also protect it from spam. Email newsletter is a powerful marketing tool developing these days. It draws large amount of traffic to a site. The key points in writing a newsletter are that it should be short and concise and interesting to read because people don’t have time these days to read the entire email newsletter they receive. 70% of the users in USA make online sales and purchase in which there is a large proportion influenced by email marketing.
Link Popularity and Article Submission:
Search engine submission Link popularity is an important factor that search engines use to place a website ranking. A site receiving tons of links makes it more popular and symbolizes the authenticity of information on that site. One more technique is to submit informative and unique articles on the internet to attract traffic to your site, it also helps you in building your links.