Reasons Why Every Business Needs Custom Twitter Hashtags
Nowadays, Hashtags are used on all social network platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and other, to communicate and link information all over the place. Basically, custom hashtags are used to communicate and share. Best thing, they are distinct and completely free. These days custom hashtags are most popular on Twitter.
1) Twitter chats:
Twitter is the one of the popular platforms to connect with potential customers and clients via twitter chat. With the help of custom hashtag, chat members can follow the conversation by using Twitter’s search box. You can select a third party Twitter chat provider and give it a more professional look to appealingly designed Twitter chat room. Most of them provide free twitter chats and register the hashtag to help you so you can easily track it.
2) Embedded timelines:
Twitter widgets with the latest tweets are general, embedded timelines with custom hashtags. You have to get ahead of competitors and enhance your branding by implementing a timeline that exclusively displays tweets with your own hashtag. Just like Twitter profile timelines, also embedded timelines allow for custom link color.
3) Track reach long-term :
Basically a custom hashtags can be used for Twitter campaigns to track results once you have done with the campaign. A startup could have an target hashtags, a pre-launch hashtag, as well as similar hashtags for specific events like webinars. For an event like webinars is promoted on Twitter with a customized hashtag, the results of the campaign and long-term results can be measured even after the campaign is stopped since hashtags can be tracked freely and exclusively from promotions.
4) Widgets and buttons:
You can facilitates visitors to make use of widgets to tweet a quote having your hashtag to boost your blog or website. Your twitter handle is comprised by default in the bulk of free widgets and the tweet itself can be set up manually. Moreover, Twitter also shows Tweet buttons with the automated insertion of a custom hashtag on their developer website.
5) Hashtags help SEO:
As hashtags are easily indexed by search engines, using the similar custom hashtag on the different social platforms helps to optimize organic search results for your company brand or business. Hashtags is one of the way to tell search engine algorithms you how what accounts are linked.
Preferably, the main hasgtag should be display in the profile or page descriptions as well as in the content but descriptions seem like to have the maximum impact on search engine rankings.
6) Promotions:
You can create a custom hashtag that you can use for all promotions. Existing and potential clients will identify the hashtag and connect it to something great coming their way. Different ideas for promotions could be contests, discount offers on orders over a specific amount, draws, free shipping, get two-for-one, and many more.
If you are running a business for Burger shop, your hashtag could be #annesburger25 for 25% off. Also, you can write as #annesburgerpromo, #annesdraws, #annesbrgrpromo, #abcontest, and so on.
7) Event integration:
Custom hashtags are are the finest add-on used for the live events. As custom hashtags are the free way to create publicity as well as can be shown in real-time on a large screen at the time of live events only. Participants will enjoy the public display of their content and will tweet just to check whether it is actually a live feed or not. Live hashtag feeds will help to enhance online as well as engagement since visitors will take pictures of their tweet on the screen and share it with their followers on various social networking channels. Furthermore, the pictures sharing rate normally goes high as nothing makes bigger impact than getting your picture on an large screen which seen by all the event participants.