Search Engine Optimization
On Page Optimization (Optimization)
Defined: On-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be done on the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content.
On-Page SEO Checklist
• Always start with keyword selection, research and testing
• Meta Description tag
• ALT tags
• H1 tags
• URL structure
• Internal linking strategy
• Content
• Keyword density
• Site maps, both XML and user facing
• Usability and accessibility
• Track target keywords
• Expect results in 6-12 months
Avoid common on-page SEO mistakes such as:
• Duplicate content
• URL variants of the same pages
• Off-site images and content on-site
• Duplicate title tags
Do not use on-page SEO spamming tactics such as:
• Hidden text
• Hidden links
• Keyword repetition
• Doorway pages
• Mirror pages
• Cloaking
Off-Page Optimization (SEO)
Defined: Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) is what can be done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content and keywords in off-page direct-links.
Off-Page SEO Checklist
• Always start with keyword research, testing and selection
• Use Keywords in link anchor text
• Obtain links from high ranking publisher sites
• One-way inbound links (not link exchange or reciprocal links)
• Different keywords in your link-ads from the same site
• Gradual link building technology (no growth spikes)
• Use relevant keywords near your inbound link (contextual relevance)
• Deep linking (from multiple pages to multiple pages)
• Target a large list of keywords (5-500+)
• Link from sites with a variety of Link Ranks
• Track active all keywords and refine strategy as required
• Discontinue campaigns if ranking does not improve
• Expect results in 1-2 months (Bing) 1-9 months (Google, Yahoo)
Avoid common off-page SEO mistakes:
• Duplicate keywords in link adverts
• Site-wide links causing link growth spikes
• Using on-page SEOs to do the work of specialist off-page SEO’s
• Placing random links without keywords near your link adverts
Do not use off-page SEO spamming tactics such as:
• Link farms (sites with 100+ outbound links per page)
• Using irrelevant keywords in your link-ads
• Garbage links
• Link churning
• Hidden inbound links
Off Page Optimization VS on Page SEO (Optimization)
Have you been investing heavily into on page optimization (optimization) and not seen any results?
You may have made sure that you picked one of the best on page optimization agencies in the industry, got references, asked for case studies then after risking it all with a 12 month contract, you invested all your expectations and large part of your internet marketing budget with the on-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agency.
Months later with your patience worn through and no significant results delivered, you must be frustrated with the lack of returns on your investment and possibly even ready to give up on SEO all together.
We have been very surprised to see how many of the top SEO agencies in the UK have been very slow to change their optimization strategies; now that on page optimization has mostly lost all of its affect.
Is there any need for On Page Optimization?
There are some basic optimization issues that are critical to have in place and then there are more technical / advanced techniques that can improve your search engine rankings. You should not pay for basic SEO advice and you do not need to pay much for advanced optimization advice.
We disclose up to date SEO advice and tips to most of our clients at no charge.
After having the basics in place, creating masses of useful content is the main on-page optimization strategy that a webmaster should focus on, but without off-page SEO you will not see your website’s current ranking increase significantly.
More on off-page optimization…
Off page optimization or off-page SEO is basically controlling how the internet portrays your website.
A professional off-page SEO will be able to employ their own resources* to control how search engines view your website and thereby control your ranking. Most off-page SEO techniques done well will result in very high ROI and high ranking in MSN, Google and Yahoo!
One way links from their link publishing partners
Gradual link building technology
Your business partners and their link publishing resources
General internet resources: Powerful free directories, one way link brokering etc.
Online PR campaigns
News articles
Are there any risks associated with off-page SEO done incorrectly?
We recommend that you only use professionals for your off-page SEO
Make sure that the company winning your business has been focusing on off page SEO for more than two years and are not late adopters jumping on the band wagon of a new product and service that has been under boom demand of late.