What Is Social Intranet And What Features It Must Have
Intranet is a commonly used word in enterprises, especially in organizations where lots of tasks depend of technology. It could be described as a private network created within a company whose authorized members could use it share to information, or complete a task. The organization’s internal IT systems are used to form a connection within the staff.
Social Intranet
As per the definition of social intranet, it’s a restricted network within an organization where its authorized members are provided an internal website, or a private network, to get work done. So, in other words, social intranet is a network of a company where its employees are connected to each other who can share information with each other.
Important features that modern social intranet must have
It must have support for business processes. It means members of a social intranet must have permissions to read information, take necessary actions and approve the content.
Social intranet must be technology-friendly. For example, as today’s world depends hugely on mobile phones, it is essential for a private network of a company to be accessed through smartphone. It could be a secured connection.
It should be easy to use, and user-friendly. An employee must be aware of tools that are needed to extract information or post relevant content.
It must have features like easy creation and management of workspaces. Employees should have authority to collaborate with one another for a project. In addition to that, they must be allowed to create workspace templates.
It must have trending and latest features, such as commenting and tagging. There should be easy ways to share content and comment on it. Plus, they should be allowed to provide feedback on any suggestion given by a user on the same network.