How Social Intranet Software Can Encourage Knowledge Sharing

How Social Intranet Software Can Encourage Knowledge Sharing

Date: 24-Oct-2017

Imagine the time employees spend in collecting important information and sharing it with other workers in the same department.sharing In the absence of advanced social intranet software in a company, employees have to use various tactics to gather important data, make communication with others and share the data using emails. They face many kinds of problems when it is about collaborating with each other for a common goal. According to studies, employees spend a huge amount of time of their daily work life in collaboration and knowledge sharing. This time can be saved and used in doing more productive tasks by using the right tools.

One such tool is social intranet. By using advanced social intranet software, an organization can provide a common platform to all its employees where they can communicate, share information and post important data. Here’s how this tool encourages knowledge sharing in an organization:

Easy And Quick Access To Informationaccess

When employees use a common platform, they connect with each other and share important data over a single network. They don’t have to use different resources to communicate and send information.

Encourage Employee Engagement

Social intranet software not just connects employees with each other, but also allows them to post important information and share their ideas. engagementIn this way, they participate in an objective instead of just being spectators.

No To Hierarchy, Yes To Collaboration

The social networking tool brings top management and low levels employees on a common platform where they work for a common objective. Top management encourages employees to communicate and share their views.

Quick Feedbacks Feedback

Low level employees not just connect to their managers, but also share their work with them over the social intranet software. In this way, they get a source to get quick feedback of their work.




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