Some important tips for seo services
As regular visitors to my blog will already know, I’m doing a lot of experimenting right now: with social media, blogs, articles and networking. My first aim, though, is to increase my website referrals. To do this I cannot rely on a set of well-researched META tags. After all, metacrawler robots consider a range of criteria when analysing a site: how long it has been active; how many inbound – and outbound – links it has; and the amount of traffic it receives from backlinks.
Today I want to talk about writing organically optimised articles – in particular, about how to use this technique to encourage your readers to follow a link back to your website (thus promoting your online ranking).
To write effective SEO articles, you’ll need to define a set of keywords to integrate in to your content. Before you start writing, make a short bulleted list. To make this believable, I’ll select a topic. Let’s call my article ‘How to Write Compelling Copy.’ Good. That’s the easy part completed. The next stage is to brainstorm. I want to talk about planning a piece of writing, so I’ll jot down ‘structuring copy.’ Other key-phrases could include ‘copywriting styles,’ ‘copywriting tone’ and ‘call-to-action copy.’
Remember that your article will be searchable online, so these key-phrases need to be competitive. The term ‘copywriting styles’ currently retrieves 667,000 results on Yahoo; so we need to do something more with the content to make it unique. The following list represents a possible outcome: ‘structuring copy for SEO articles’; ‘effective copywriting styles,’ ‘copywriting tones for online media’ and ‘persuasive call-to-action copy.’
When expanding your key-phrases, make sure they flow organically. Machines are unemotional and endow promotions based on logical-algorithms. Your readers will be less forgiving, so ask yourself the following two questions: (i) ‘can these keywords/phrases easily be inserted in to a sentence?’; and (ii) ‘how does the completed sentence sound?’
It’s also important not to overstuff your article with too many keywords. There are two main reasons for this: (i) it won’t read well and this will put potential subscribers off; (ii) many online blog/article writing forums penalise writers who do this. This penalty can be served in terms of rejection of the said article or through a temporary suspension of the user’s account.
Finally, remember to include a link to your website at the end of the article that invites your readers to connect with you.
On that topic, if you’d like further advice on writing SEO articles, please do feel free to contact me via www.creativewebmall.com