
Feb 26

Engaging ideas to celebrate Women’s Day on your company intranet

Raising Awareness and Sharing Knowledge: Promoting Participation and Recognition: Additional Tips: All you need to know about Women’s day celebration International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on March 8th, is a global day dedicated to honoring the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. It is also a day to raise awareness Engaging ideas to celebrate Women’s Day on your company intranet

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Dec 8

Revamping Intranets: Addressing 5 Critical Reasons for Industry Failure

Intranets once hailed as the beacon of seamless internal communication and collaboration, have encountered a significant challenge: a staggering failure rate. Reports indicate that approximately 90% of intranet projects fail to meet their intended objectives. This concerning trend demands a reevaluation of the intranet industry, addressing key issues hindering its success. 1. Lack of User-Centric Revamping Intranets: Addressing 5 Critical Reasons for Industry Failure

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Nov 15

Bad User Experience Design: 5 Red Flags

The most crucial aspect of any website is its UX (User Experience) design. Websites with good user experience design are easy to navigate and use, while those with poor UI / UX are not. Workers who don’t have to strain to find their way around the site are more productive. The Impact of a Quality Bad User Experience Design: 5 Red Flags

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Nov 3

10 Indicators that It’s Time for a New Intranet

It may be time to consider shopping for a new intranet. If you are unsure if you need an internal communication platform, these 10 common indicators can help you make the decision whether a change is necessary for your digital workplace. Companies introduce intranets to enable urgent communication, bond their workforce, foster cooperation, and offer 10 Indicators that It’s Time for a New Intranet

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Nov 11
Writing intranet UX best practices is a matter of adhering to certain standards.

Writing intranet UX best practices is a matter of adhering to certain standards.

#Do you provide an engaging user experience on your intranet? Every user can benefit from this intranet UX writing best practices. When it comes to intranet UX, organizations often focus on aesthetics, content, and navigation. The aspect that is most frequently neglected, however, is writing. The written word plays a critical role in a company’s Writing intranet UX best practices is a matter of adhering to certain standards.

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Mar 12
Intranet solution for banks

Intranet solutions for banks

Globalization today has made the world a smaller place. Being connected with your employees and clients 24*7 is very important. Leading banks today have multiple chains in multiple cities and countries. It has a wide range of branches all over the globe and provides a full range of modern financial services to all categories of Intranet solutions for banks

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