Social Intranet

Nov 21
Social Intranet As Ultimate Forum – How It Leads To Better Company

Social Intranet As Ultimate Forum – How It Leads To Better Company

The modern social intranet is different from traditional intranet in many ways. Several beneficial and interesting features have been added to today’s social intranet, including forum discussion. Today, communication among company employees is simple. In addition, they can easily and effectively share information and ideas with each other. Forums over social intranet give more advanced Social Intranet As Ultimate Forum – How It Leads To Better Company

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Nov 18
Improved Employee Engagement: Reasons Social Intranet Is Effective

Improved Employee Engagement: Reasons Social Intranet Is Effective

A recent survey on employee engagement revealed a surprising result showing it declined last year. It further affected productivity. There were several reasons behind the downfall, and the ‘employees not connected effectively’ was also among them. In order to have beneficial results, it is necessary for an organization to connect employees in secure and interesting Improved Employee Engagement: Reasons Social Intranet Is Effective

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How Employee Profiles Can Benefit Your Business

How Employee Profiles Can Benefit Your Business

Social intranet has become a vital tool to navigate a company towards success. While different facets of the intranet work together in achieving this feat, properly built employee profiles is one of the major influence. Here’s how you may help augment the overall productivity of your business by designing employee profiles on intranet: Communication A How Employee Profiles Can Benefit Your Business

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Nov 17
Social Intranet: A Business-Friendly, Productive Interface With ‘Wow’ Features

Social Intranet: A Business-Friendly, Productive Interface With ‘Wow’ Features

Days are over when company communication portal was a boring interface where only business people belonging to top management of a company was connected to each other to perform a few tasks. It was less business friendly and more just a platform to mark a company’s presence over a social intranet. In this era of Social Intranet: A Business-Friendly, Productive Interface With ‘Wow’ Features

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Self Hosted Intranet Software OR SaaS? Which Is Right For You

Self Hosted Intranet Software OR SaaS? Which Is Right For You

Internal communication is necessary for a business whether small or big. Social Intranet not just connects employees with each other, but also give them authority to share documents in digital form. To stay ahead, companies use various kinds of employee engagement application to develop a secure connection among their employees. Which options is the best Self Hosted Intranet Software OR SaaS? Which Is Right For You

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Social Intranet: Why Quick Deployment And How To Do It

Social Intranet: Why Quick Deployment And How To Do It

Whether it’s a product or services, success depends on how employees of a company work together to achieve a common objective. In the modern and technology-friendly world, companies have many kinds of technical tools and software to connect employees with each other. These advanced tools not just make a secure connection between employees, but also Social Intranet: Why Quick Deployment And How To Do It

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