Social media marketing (SMO)

How Do I Talk to my Executives and Customers about Social Media?
How Do I Talk to my Executives and Customers about Social Media? Firstly explain your Executives / Colleagues / Customers, What exactly Social Media Marketing is? What is Social Media? Simply put social media presents an extraordinary opportunity for you to find, engage and convert prospects to customers using the internet. The internet got its … How Do I Talk to my Executives and Customers about Social Media?
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Successful Facebook Marketing Tactics
Some of the additional successful tactics that succeed on Facebook. One thing is rather clear is that tactics that work for the B2B market will not essentially work for those marketers who are targeting the B2C market. For individuals in the B2B space, the most successful marketing tactics used on Facebook are creating a survey … Successful Facebook Marketing Tactics
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When did social media turn out to be just Twitter and Facebook?
The idea behind SMO – Social media Optimization is straightforward: put into practice changes to optimize a site so that it is more effortlessly linked to, more favorably visible in social media searches on custom search engines (such as Technorati), and more often integrated in related posts on blogs, podcasts and vlogs. 16 rules/guidelines for … When did social media turn out to be just Twitter and Facebook?
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Internet Users Value Privacy
Privacy inside social media networks is a hot topic at the moment with people like Jason Calacanis, Matt Cutts cancelling their Facebook accounts in current weeks. Mark Zuckerberg and the remainder of his Facebook staff should not be astonished to Facebook users anger at the news that Facebook was sharing their information with advertisers. According … Internet Users Value Privacy
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How to compute social media
One matter that come out in discussion a lot is how to compute the efficiency of a social media marketing campaign. The small answer to that title is yes it is, and this is how we measurement within the ROI of the social media campaigns we operate. Set Campaign Goals Prior to you start on … How to compute social media
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Dell Sells $3 Million via Twitter
This is an reorganized story from a post I wrote in February called How Dell is using Twitter to boost sales Dell said last week that it has gathered more than $3 million in sales from Twitter followers. Dell has been on twitter for about two years now and says that it made more than … Dell Sells $3 Million via Twitter
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