Social media marketing (SMO)

Winning Twitter Marketing Strategies
Last week I looked at some of the marketing strategies that are operating on Facebook. At present it is time to twist that concentration onto what is working on Twitter. Most marketers are using Twitter to just drive more traffic to their web site. The most ordinary tactics are direct linking to web pages or … Winning Twitter Marketing Strategies
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What Your Followers Need
Companies “brag” constantly concerning the number of followers or friends that they have on Facebook or Twitter. But what motivates someone to friend or follow a company? A December 2009 survey of 500 social network users exhibited that the top motivation of those who befriended or adopted a brand online was to study about specials … What Your Followers Need
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Why Online Retailers Must Be On Facebook
Appealing data in the ForeSee Results 2010 Social Media Report. Some of the important findings in the study, which looked at nearly 10,000 visitors to the leading e-retail websites in the United States, comprise: 56% of shoppers to top e-retail websites who interrelate with social media websites have nominated to “friend” or “follow” or “subscribe” … Why Online Retailers Must Be On Facebook
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Brands and Social Media
Social media marketing has become such a significant marketing channel for Brands. A survey showed that 33% of Facebook users have become fans of brands. A third of Facebook users have became fans of a brand. That is pretty astonishing to me. And leads me to ask the noticeable follow-up question: Why? Favorably coupons are … Brands and Social Media
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Moms and Social Media
There was a actually interesting study last year. The study called “21st Century Mom” found that new mothers gravitate to social media sites after having a child. How moms are using the Internet and social media nowadays: Social Mom: Social Media is Mass Media for Moms. The number of moms who use social media frequently … Moms and Social Media
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Are You Addicted To Social Media?
I came across a charming new study from about social media addiction. At first glimpse I was surprised at the addiction level that people have to sites like Facebook and Twitter, but after travelling for the last two weeks and seeing people inspecting and updating these sites from their phones, I came to better know … Are You Addicted To Social Media?
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