Web design for word of mouth

Web design for word of mouth

Date: 26-Dec-2013

Web design is almost always necessary when a corporate website is being developed. Web design in-case of corporates has to be very clean, clear-cut, and stable. The web design in such cases cannot be avant-garde. After all, the spotlight has to be on the products, services, and the company proposition. Which means there is nothing new about the design, and as such there isn’t much about the web design to take home or to talk about.

But in such cases the website cannot become the talk of the town and then become the reason that the company is able to conduct effective marketing campaigns. The web design wont attract any attention whatsoever. Web design cannot be simple, staid, and exciting at the same time.

Word of mouth cannot be tapped into and it cannot be made to behave in a certain way. That’s what adds to its charm. That’s what makes it honest. But then again real word of mouth buzz is incredibly hard to predict and generate. It take real, continuous, persistent efforts.

There are good companies that do good business in their domain. But they are not very big companies and they are not ones with very big marketing budgets. They still need marketing but not the conventional marketing people are accustomed to. They will do better with avant-garde web design that simply attracts attention.





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