What to look for in SEO Optimization Service Provider?

What to look for in SEO Optimization Service Provider?

Date: 03-Jun-2014

So after Creative Web Promotion for long you have decided that you will go for search engine optimization. You have decided that, all of your peers are shedding hundreds of bucks if not thousands, each month, I mean they must be on to something! But now that you have finally pulled yourself and decided that you will give it a go, you face another big hurdle, a quite different one…but it is obviously stopping you from beginning the process with your site.

Once you try searching over for an optimizer, a company or a provider, you are bound to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of response. I have heard from clients, leads…that even if they go over to different freelancer sites and forums…the sheer volume of the response is so huge that it feels quite intimidating.

Not to mention the cookie cutter responses, but providers with crappy websites and undefined user policies sitting half way across the world provide quite a “scenario” to invest in SEO optimization altogether. The volume of responses over your posted projects in these freelancing sites plus the huge results that you get while trying to search for an honest provider who will give you that return on investment which you seek, is a mammoth task in itself…Leaving aside the provider choice process.

There is no scale, no tangible mark sheet to measure a search engine optimization expert. I mean, how you will know if this guy or concern or team, whatever they may be, is what you need. Though there lies a chance factor like in every investment, but you can reduce this risk or chance, whatever name you choose to give it, to a minimal. Let’s say that you have waded through the huge sets of results and now you have got a handful of contacts and you want check them so as to whether they will suite your purpose. So you try to contact them and you have received a set of responses, and now you want to decide that with which want to go forward with.

I would say that, you check the responses closely, if you get a same cookie cutter response…stating what they do and they will reach seventh heaven if they get your project and you will reach the top of Google within 5 days. I would advise you to stay away. I can say what I do, when I get a prospective buyer of my SEO optimization service, I tend to listen very carefully. I ask, three question, where, why and how. I try to get the basic picture of the client’s process, policies. I ask him and I talk with him, and then only submit a proposal. The proposal is always tailor-made; I mean a lawyer website cannot have the same solution of an ecommerce bicycle parts seller.

I think this particular field does not have a standardized or formulated package. You cannot prescribe the same SEO Optimization solution for business A and Business B since they are not alike.



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